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Message Icon Tema: Xbox Game Saves Manager Responder Tema Crear un nuevo tema
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Se registró: 27 Oct 2007
Localizado: Antarctica
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Respts: 26
Quote DeceptiKa Replybullet Tema: Xbox Game Saves Manager
    Posted: 13 Nov 2007 a las 5:14pm

Xbox Game Saves Manager by DeceptiKa


If you want to manage your gamesaves in a readable and human fashion this 
is the program to use. Userfriendly and simple to use this program will
allow you among other things to QuickView certain files on the Xbox
while allowing you to transform those hard to read Xbox Gamesaves into
human form.

Click to Download Game Saves Manager

Requires Visual Studio 6.0 files
Visual Studio 6 Library

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Se registró: 04 Feb 2006
Online Status: Offline
Respts: 11
Quote Speed_Demon Replybullet Posted: 15 Nov 2007 a las 8:02pm

Hey man!
Thanks for the program I had been waiting for something like this to come out! cheers to you man!
One question thou' does it support multiple game saves?

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