Last updated: Hace 12 años
Originally posted: 4/8/1997
Jeane Dixon's False Disarmament Prediction:
ʻʻThe discussions for world disarmament will continue for some years to come, but while some nations are actually going to disarm as a result of the negotiations, the leaders of the countries that are holding the talks have absolutely no intention to disarm. These leaders will work and talk total disarmament, and they will agree - as Russia will agree - to international inspection, but they do this because by that time they will have secret testing facilities perfected to the extent that they will be safe from inspection.ʼʼ
ʻʻThe discussions for world disarmament will continue for some years to come, but while some nations are actually going to disarm as a result of the negotiations, the leaders of the countries that are holding the talks have absolutely no intention to disarm. These leaders will work and talk total disarmament, and they will agree - as Russia will agree - to international inspection, but they do this because by that time they will have secret testing facilities perfected to the extent that they will be safe from inspection.ʼʼ
ʻʻThere will be a great peace movement then and even more so after the conclusion of the disarmament talks. The false security that will accompany this movement will lull the majority of people to sleep. The money saved as a reslt of the disarmament will be turned into the expansive consumer industry, but it will lead to great distruction, for while peace seems to be on everyone's mind, sudden destruction and war will occur soon after.ʼʼ
Jeane Dixon's Peacemaker Prediction:
ʻʻIn the near future, a 'peacemaker', great in informational stature, and much admired, will emerge as the ʼʼwar lordʻʻ of modern times. The entire nation will back him, believing that he who has been so strong in peace can also be victorious in war. He will have military power at his disposal and will possess greater might than anyone ever before him and will use it to combat the Red Chinese menace that will by that time be fighting in Russia and the Scandinavian countries.ʼʼ
ʻʻHis changeover from peacemaker to military genius and dictator will be so sudden and abrupt and so absolute that people for the first time in modern history will wake up and realize that they have been had! For this will be why he entered politics!ʼʼ
Jeane Dixon's Great Britain Prediction:
ʻʻEngland will probably have a general election in th near future, as there will be changes in the top echelon of the government - changes which can result only from a general election. Too, I get that a person of prominence in England will pass from the picture and will be nationally mourned.ʼʼ
ʻʻGreat Britain will be called upon to broaden her military activities because of an international crisis, which will also cause much confusion and talk in our own country. This crisis and resulting confusion will cause indecision on a matter of grave international proportions and will be recorded in the annals of history.ʼʼ
ʻʻEngland is clearly headed for trouble with her present government, and I see many, many changes.ʼʼ
Jeane Dixon's France Prediction:
ʻʻI get that it was not at all wise to vote General de Gaulle out. France is now in a very precarious condition - both internally and externally. Soon there will be great violence and even much talk of assassination of French leaders.ʼʼ
ʻʻFrance, regrettably, is not going to be better off for the resent changes in government. This will prove a grave mistake. I guess you might say for France that hindsight will prove better than foresight. There will be a complete reorganization of the government, but the French will come very close to revolution, if not actually have on.ʼʼ
ʻʻAs I see it, France should watch closely the foreigner who came to Paris in 1967 to organize the paralyzing labor strikes that had virtually brought France's economy to a point of regression.ʼʼ
Jeane Dixon's Japan Prediction:
ʻʻFor some time now I have seen Japan preparing itself for a gigantic economic power struggle with the West. It will move ahead to become one of the world's greatest economic powers, and this, in turn, will not only produce political problems in the Far East as well as in the Western world, but will also create serious internal problems within the United States as it will affect the structure and influence of the labor unions and movement.ʼʼ
Jeane Dixon's Germ Warfare prediction:
ʻʻIn a recent vision I have seen that one of our most influential national institutions is being used as a cover-up for chemical and bacteriological warfare experiments.ʼʼ
ʻʻAs this sort of activity is completely alien to the normal works of this organization, no one will ever suspect it. I do get, however, that their experiments are conducted on the Indian and Russian borders, and in my mind's eye I have seen thousands of birds die in the course of these tests.ʼʼ
ʻʻWhy these tests are being conducted in that specific area is unknown to me. I do know, though, that as a result of these experiemtns we will have a Germ War in the future. It will be a costly war, both in loss of lives and destruction to crops.ʼʼ
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